George Washington Lodge No. 820
Ancient Free & Accepted Masons

under the American Canadian Grand Lodge  United Grand Lodges of Germany

Zhd. Gashthaus Schleppi
Saarbrucker 80
66901 Schonenberg-Kubelberg


Now that you have been exposed to What Freemasonry is about and its Origins, now you arrived to the beginning on your journey to Freemasonry.

The Degrees -  You will be exposed to a general  overview of what the degrees are about. 

We can not go too much in depth about the degrees as it would take away what you would learn through each of the degree's ceremonies.

Masonic Ceremonies. - Many people asked what are and why Masons perform Masonic Ceremonies.  The following will explain a little bit about it.

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Last modified: June 24, 2001