George Washington Lodge No. 820
Ancient Free & Accepted Masons

under the American Canadian Grand Lodge  United Grand Lodges of Germany

Zhd. Gashthaus Schleppi
Saarbrucker 80
66901 Schonenberg-Kubelberg


Welcome to what is Freemasonry.  You are here because something must have caught your curiosity about freemasonry or maybe because you are considering in becoming a Mason.

Before you proceed please read the following link: Are you considering in becoming a mason?

Feel free to read the following pages.  It will explain in more detail what the "craft" is all about, and if you are still interested in becoming a Mason, or more question, remember feel free to contact us.

This section will give you a brief introduction on what the craft is all about.  It deals with:

What is Freemasonry, its Mission and Principles

Its Origins

Its Rituals - Its Degrees and Masonic Ceremonies

Its Organization

Its Qualifications and Membership Requirements

Frequently Ask Questions

Famous Freemasons

and lastly Are you ready in becoming a Freemason

Hope you will find this information useful and be able to answer any questions you may have.  If not, ask us.

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Site Design Copyright © 2001 George Washington Lodge No.820
Last modified: June 24, 2001