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George Washington Lodge No. 820
Ancient Free & Accepted Masons

under the American Canadian Grand Lodge  United Grand Lodges of Germany

Zhd. Gashthaus Schleppi
Saarbrucker 80
66901 Schonenberg-Kubelberg

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If you know of others online magazines or newsletters please let me know so others may enjoy them


The American Mason - A Monthly magazine

Emessay Notes - current and past issues

FOCUS Newsletter - current and past issues

Sciots Billetin - You will require Acrobat Reader.  If you do not have it, download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free

Pietre Stones - Archive Quarterly Magazine

The Freemason - weekly; you can subscribe and will receive weekly reminders of update via email

Freemasonry Today - The magazine for everyone interested in Freemasonry.  Weekly.


The Royal Arch Mason Magazine

The Cryptic Freemason Magazine

The York Rite Crusader Magazine

Knight Templar State Supplements Magazines

Knight Masons Newsletter


American Military Scottish Rite (NATO) - Email to subscribe. Posted 3rd Sunday of each month

Scottish Rite Journal Magazine - Southern Jurisdiction. Lists both the current and many past issues


The Victoria Masonic WWW Ezine Newsletter - You may subscribe here to receive it automatically as an email.


Hiram - Lots of Articles published here

LEI One More Time Please - You can subscribe as well to have new articles email to you

The Philateles - Past Articles


Hiram Abif Magazine - in spanish

Subscriptions via email

Victoria Grand Lodge

Pietre Stones Quarterly Magazine - Subscribe to receive email subscription


Paul Bessel's Magazine page where he is attempting to compile all details about Masonic magazines, and to make them available to everyone.  Great site for ordering magazines from each different Masonic organization as well as Grand Lodges

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Last modified: July 23, 2001