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George Washington Lodge No. 820
Ancient Free & Accepted Masons

under the American Canadian Grand Lodge  United Grand Lodges of Germany

Zhd. Gashthaus Schleppi
Saarbrucker 80
66901 Schonenberg-Kubelberg

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The absolute requirements for becoming a Mason are:

Be a man, at least 21 years old. (18 in some jurisdictions)

Have belief in a Supreme Being (No particular religion or faith is required or excluded. All are welcome.)

You should be someone who does, or want to learn to, enjoy the company of other men from all different social classes, faiths, backgrounds, races, countries, etc. Masonry is universal in its ideals.

If you are a family man, Masonry considers that your family obligations come FIRST, so you must be sure that:

  • You have the time to participate (usually two or three evenings/month at first for meetings and instruction, and then at least one evening per month for meetings from then on -- often more if you get involved in lodge activities.)
  • you can afford the initiation fees and the annual dues without hardship to yourself or your family.
You should be coming to Masonry "of your own free will and accord", to learn to improve yourself and to enjoy the company of other good people, not because someone keeps pestering you to join or because you think it will help you "get ahead" in business.

To join, all you have to do ask a Mason:

  • Preferably someone you know or at least who lives or works nearby, or...
  • If you think that don't know any Masons in your area, you could post to the newsgroup alt.freemasonry and ask that anyone who lives in your general area reply to you, or...
  • You can probably find nearby lodges listed in your phonebook. (White-pages listings for lodges may be under "Masons", "Freemasons", or "Masonic Temple", and the Grand Lodge would probably be under "Grand Lodge of Masons"), or...
  • Find your state's Grand Lodge in this list of Grand Lodges. Call or email them and ask to speak to someone in the office of the Grand Secretary.
  • The person will give you a petition to fill out.
  • Answer all of the questions and then return it to the person or go to the Lodge and give it to a member or the Secretary.

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Last modified: July 19, 2001