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George Washington Lodge No. 820
Ancient Free & Accepted Masons

under the American Canadian Grand Lodge  United Grand Lodges of Germany

Zhd. Gashthaus Schleppi
Saarbrucker 80
66901 Schonenberg-Kubelberg

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Masonic Research Societies and Resources

There are lots of Masonic Research Societies.  This is just a few of them.  If you know of one that is outstanding, or if one of these links is not working or is incorrect, please let me know via email.  Thanks

Arizona Research Lodge No. 1

Cape Masonic Research Association - South Africa

Civil War Lodge of Research No. 1865

Confederate Military Lodge of Research

Dutch Masonic Study Group - Melbourne, Australia

Jewels of the Craft

Library of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial

Leichhardt Lodge of Research No.225

Livingston Masonic Library

MasterMason Library - Index of Articles available

Masonicinfo - A site concerning those who would destroy Freemasonry

Masonic Library & Museum Association

Masonic Leadership Center - Leadership Course

Masonic Leadership Center

Masonic Service Association of North America

Mid Island Lodge of Education and Research

Minerva Research Lodge No. 27

Missouri Masonic Lodge of Research  - Good Masonic Referenre

Northern California Research Lodge

Paul M. Bessel's Research Site - in case you can not find it here

Philalethes Society - The Masonic Research Society

Philosophic Lodge of Research, A.F. & A.M. of Connecticut

Phylaxis Society

Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 - The Premier Lodge of Masonic Research

Scottish Rite Research Society

South Australian Lodge of Research

South Carolina Masonic Research Society - Richard R. Barton

South Dakota Research Lodge

Texas Lodge of Research

The Holy See: Vatican Web Site

U.S. Grand Lodges' Recognitions of other Grand Lodges

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Last modified: July 23, 2001